Pandit Kota Venkatachalam Pakayaji (1885-1959) known as a great
Historian of yester years with his titles as ‘Bharata Charitra Bhaskara
and vimarsakagresara’ is infact a versatile personality with diverse
characteristics rarely seen in a single person. He was knowledgeable in Astrology, Astronomy and Geography. In order to appreciate the indepth study and research
Sri Kota Venkatachalam has done with his thorough knowledge in the above
subjects, one has to patiently go through his works like ‘Jamboo
Dweepamu’, ‘Aryula Dhruva Nivasa Khandanamu’, ‘Brahmanda Srishti
Viganamu’ etc., (Telugu) where in he profusely quotes our ancient
Sastras, Rishis and Scholars right up to Bhaskaracharya.
His important historical publications include the following –
1. Ancient Hindu history Part I, 2. Ancient Hindu history Part II, 3. Chronology of Nepal History, reconstructed, 4. Chronology of Kashmir History reconstructed, 5. The plot in Indian Chronology 6. The Age of Budha, Milinda and Amtiyoka and Yuga Purana, 7. Indian Eras, 8. Historicity of Vikramaditya and Salivahana, 9. Age of War (Printed after his Sidhi) and many other books in Telugu. He took Sanyasa and ascended
Abhinava Virupaksha Peetham on 8-7-1957.
Pandit Kota Venkatachalam has infact got printed
a) Imperial Royal dynasties of Bharat after Mahabharat war ie.
From 36 years before Kali or 3138 B.C. to 4295 Kali or 1193 A.D. (Vide
Annexure – I attached to this article)
b) Statement showing the contemporaneity of Kings with
their reigning periods in 3 of the States of Bharat namely 1. Magadha.
2. Nepal, 3. Kashmir (Vide Annexure II enclosed)
c) . He finally records with satisfaction the important
dates in the history of Bharat which he has proved sufficiently. (Vide
In his An appeal to the Young Indologists, Pandit Kota Venkatachalam states the following.
The history of India, particularly of the ancient
period, as it is found in the Text books of schools and colleges and in
the writings of research scholars of Indology, enquires through revision. European scholars, who attempted to
construct our history, seriously erred in chronology.
1. The false assumption that the Aryans came from outside India and the wrong identification of Chandra-Gupta-Maurya of 1534 B.C. with another Chandra-Gupta, the contemporary of Alexander’s time (326 B.C.) led to several errors in chronology and other aspects of our history
2. The Puranas which are a storehouse of historical information were discredited as mere fiction. Several facts from the Puranas that do credit to our history and culture are entirely omitted in the historical writings of Europeans and their Indian followers.
3. Some Indologists went to the length of interpolating in and otherwise tampering with the writings of ancient foreign visitors of India and with the Buddhist literature.
4. Many ancient inscriptions like the Kumbhalghar Inscription (V. S. 1517) were destroyed
5. The genuine Inscription of Janamejaya (Ind. Ant. Pp.333, 334) dated Kali 89 or 3012 B.C. has been rejected as being spurious. Several other important ancient inscriptions between 3138 B.C. and 300 B.C. were destroyed.
6. Some coins and Inscriptions have been misread, misinterpreted, misapplied and misrepresented and some are forged so as to be used for supporting the modern theories.
7. The Aihole inscription and others that establish correctly the date of the War (3138 B.C.) have been neglected.
8. Some important dates which are supposed to be Anchor Sheets of Ancient Indian chronology have been arbitrarily determined, with no regard for or reference to ancient literature.
All this was to show that the historical literature of Bharat was unreliable as a document of history. Although later researches by Indian Savants have brought to light several facts, that disprove many theories propounded by earlier writers, the writings of these savants are not accepted by prominent Indologists for the simple reason that these writings do not fall in line with their modern theories. It is strange to expect that scholars that are bent upon showing the errors in the modern historians in the field should fall in line with the same writers. The interests of truth will heavily suffer it this attitude towards fresh research scholars of Indian history continues.
1. The false assumption that the Aryans came from outside India and the wrong identification of Chandra-Gupta-Maurya of 1534 B.C. with another Chandra-Gupta, the contemporary of Alexander’s time (326 B.C.) led to several errors in chronology and other aspects of our history
2. The Puranas which are a storehouse of historical information were discredited as mere fiction. Several facts from the Puranas that do credit to our history and culture are entirely omitted in the historical writings of Europeans and their Indian followers.
3. Some Indologists went to the length of interpolating in and otherwise tampering with the writings of ancient foreign visitors of India and with the Buddhist literature.
4. Many ancient inscriptions like the Kumbhalghar Inscription (V. S. 1517) were destroyed
5. The genuine Inscription of Janamejaya (Ind. Ant. Pp.333, 334) dated Kali 89 or 3012 B.C. has been rejected as being spurious. Several other important ancient inscriptions between 3138 B.C. and 300 B.C. were destroyed.
6. Some coins and Inscriptions have been misread, misinterpreted, misapplied and misrepresented and some are forged so as to be used for supporting the modern theories.
7. The Aihole inscription and others that establish correctly the date of the War (3138 B.C.) have been neglected.
8. Some important dates which are supposed to be Anchor Sheets of Ancient Indian chronology have been arbitrarily determined, with no regard for or reference to ancient literature.
All this was to show that the historical literature of Bharat was unreliable as a document of history. Although later researches by Indian Savants have brought to light several facts, that disprove many theories propounded by earlier writers, the writings of these savants are not accepted by prominent Indologists for the simple reason that these writings do not fall in line with their modern theories. It is strange to expect that scholars that are bent upon showing the errors in the modern historians in the field should fall in line with the same writers. The interests of truth will heavily suffer it this attitude towards fresh research scholars of Indian history continues.
For about forty years I have been working in the field
of historical research studying both Indigenous and modern histories
and inscriptions etc. and during the last 9 years I have published
genuine Historical facts in 24 books some in Telugu and some in English
running into 3000 pages. I have been sending my publications to research
scholars and other prominent persons interested in the subject.
Although the bulk of the scholars are too conservative even to examine
my writings, some of them have accepted that my writings give a lead to
the attempts for constructing a genuine history of Bharat. I am happy to
note that there is a wide-spread desire in our country today, that our
history should be rewritten so to be nearer truth.
I have done, through my writings, what I could towards
the achievement of this legitimate wish of our people. I appeal to the
younger generation to pursue the subject and do justice to the great
culture and history of our country.
I have laboured, long enough and am retiring in my
72nd year. I assure my young friends that as they proceed with the
subject they will find in our ancient literature, inscriptions and
coins, wonderful material that will enable them to construct a
continuous history of our mother-land from 3138 B.C. Beware of forged
inscriptions etc.
This Ancient Hindu History consisting of two parts is
the last of my works. In the first part of this book I have traced the
dynasties of kings from 3138 B.C. (i.e.) the date of the War
to 1193 A.D., and I am also given the historical accounts of these
dynasties. This information is quite in accordance with the puranic
accounts and genuine Inscriptions. In this second part, I have proved that
the genuine history of Bharat is to be found in the vast Sanskrit
literature, that the so called archaeological evidence cited by modern
historians is full of misleadings misrepresentations and misapplications
and that this evidence besides being so very faulty as failed to help a
correct reconstruction of ancient Hindu Chronology but always tended to
horribly curtail it. My good wishes to all those interested in bringing out the genuine history of Bharat. [Experts from ]